Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Chapter Three and Four.

I'm pairing the two chapters together as there is only two links between them.

Chapter Three; Edward's Outfit.


Chapter Four; Emmett's Outfit.

Sorry again for the slow blog updating, it's been a little hectic.

Hope you like them, AR xx

Chapter Two.

Sorry for the slow blog update! Right, let's get to it.

Ther links for this chapter are as follows;

Edward's Laborhini Urraco - I know he has a vanquish, and a volvo, but volvo seemed to soccer mom-ish, and a vanquish too special. They will both make appearances later, no fear.

Jasper's Honda Bike - I know NOTHING about bikes, like less than I know about cars. If this bike is terrible, I'm sorry, I picked it becauase it looked nice!


Enjoy! AR xx

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Chapter One.

Chapter one is up, and here are the related links;

We don't want to post too much detail about the house, because it is purely fictional so nothing will match up, so we think it's best to let our imaginations do the pictures.

However, this is the general bedroom décor for the two girls, and your minds can picture the rest.

Bella's Bedroom.

Alice's Bedroom

En suites.

Sealed With A Kiss.

Welcome to our blog for our Annabelle Rosie Twilight Fanfictions.

At the moment we're focusing on 'Sealed with a Kiss' as if we try and diving into too many projects, we fail. We're not very organised people.

AnnabelleRosie is a combination of our middle names, in case anyone was interested, and we basically thought it would be easier to have one joined account to post the story, then post it on two accounts and confuse people.

If you've been on the old blogsite, you will know that we post knick knacks up here whenever a new chapter comes out, and if we're slow at posting an update, a sneak peak will be released.

Outfits and various other things will be posted, as we're both visual people and like to be able to have visual props so you know what we're trying to describe. A way to try and bring the story more to life.

The next post will be about Chapter One, and we hope to see you all there,

Much love, AR. xx